Magellan Healthcare
Provider Focus Newsletter
News & information for Magellan network providers

region/plan-specific news : California

Verify member eligibility, benefits and co-pays PRIOR to rendering services

A new year can mean change, including changes to patients’ benefit plans.

This is why it is imperative that you, as the provider, verify member eligibility and benefits for requested services, as well as confirming member co-payments and deductibles, before care is provided.

CA & TX Checking Benefits 500w

Verify eligibility for Magellan* members on Availity Essentials, or contact Magellan by phone at the number on the member’s benefit card.

Find Magellan’s provider policies in our National Provider Handbook, as well as in the California supplement.


*In California, Magellan does business as Human Affairs International of California and Magellan Health Services of California, Inc. - Employer Services.

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About Provider Focus

Welcome to Provider Focus, our award-winning e-newsletter for network providers! Here you’ll find articles and information to keep you up-to-date on news and topics relevant to serving Magellan members, including a section for regional- and plan-specific news. Check back as a new issue is released each quarter.

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