Magellan Healthcare
Provider Focus Newsletter
News & information for Magellan network providers

region/plan-specific news : Employer Plans Nationwide

Bill critical incident response (CIR) services within 90 days

Magellan continually assesses better solutions in support of administrative efficiencies and overall increased provider, member and customer satisfaction.

Complete CIR service report forms within 90 days for reimbursement

  • Services billed after 90 days will not be paid.
  • When possible, submit CIR Service Report Form by the next business day. This information is essential for both our clinical follow-up and our ability to reimburse you promptly for services rendered.
  • Submit any outstanding CIR service report forms promptly to avoid non-payment.
Late submission or failure to include all elements on the CIR Service Report Form will result in non-payment. This includes:
  • Late submission, more than 90 days from date of service.
  • Incomplete and or missing information on the CIR Service Report Form.
  • Missing signature.

Thank you for your focus on helping members achieve their goals and work toward better lives! We all know that administrative tasks can be a hassle; however, taking just an extra moment to ensure the timeliness and accuracy of your request for reimbursement will help reduce errors and expedite payment. 

As always, Magellan remains fully committed to reimbursing you accurately and promptly.

More information

You can find this policy in the EAP Handbook Supplement (PDF), Reimbursement section. Find Magellan’s global policies relating to reimbursement in the Magellan National Provider Handbook (PDF) Provider Reimbursement section.

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About Provider Focus

Welcome to Provider Focus, our award-winning e-newsletter for network providers! Here you’ll find articles and information to keep you up-to-date on news and topics relevant to serving Magellan members, including a section for regional- and plan-specific news. Check back as a new issue is released each quarter.

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